PulseCath launch in Hong Kong
⚡️PulseCath expands in Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.⚡️In Hong Kong the first successful Complex High Risk and Indicated (CHIP) PCI case with the support of iVAC 2L, pulsatile percutaneous ventricular assist device, was performed by Dr. Chan Yu Ho in CUHK Medical Centre and Dr. Lam Yat Yin (Hong Kong Asia Heart Centre).
👨⚕️Patient male, 71 years old, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Previous PCI, EF 30%. Unprotected LM and 3-vessel disease. LM, LAD and LCx were managed with PCI. Total iVAC 2L support time was 90 minutes. The patient was hemodynamically stable during the PCI, especially when performing Balloon Angioplasty to LM. Femoral artery was closed with MANTA vascular closure device.
🤝 Congratulations to Dr. Chan Yu Ho, Dr. Lam Yat Yin and CUHK Medical Center Cath lab team for this huge milestone. Big thanks to our strategic partner Huadong Medicine Co., Ltd and their local distributor in Hong Kong Prism Technologies Limited.