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Haemodynamic impact of a new pulsatile mechanical circulatory support in high-risk coronary stenting. February 2018

Marcelo Barros Bastos, MD; Joost Daemen, MD, PhD; Nicolas M. Van Mieghem*, MD, PhD Department of Cardiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Thoraxcentrum, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Click here for publication: 2018…


New publication iVAC 2L/ Impella CP /PHP mechanical circulatory support during high-risk PCI: a cross sectional analysis

New publication at EuroIntervension 2019 Click here for Download article new-generation-mechanical-circulatory-support-during-high-risk-pci-a-cross-secti (1)…


Head to head comparison of a pulsatile and a continuous flow left ventricular assist device in high-risk PCI setting – iVAC 2L vs. Impella

Head to head comparison of a pulsatile and a continuous flow left ventricular assist device in high-risk PCI setting – iVAC 2L vs. Impella Alexander Samol1, Stefanie Schmidt1,…


Immediate Effects of Pneumatic Left Ventricular Unloading in High-risk Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization

Immediate Effects of Pneumatic Left Ventricular Unloading in High-risk Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization. September 2018 – TCT publication  Bastos MB, Daemen J, den Uil C, Schreuder J, Van Mieghem…


Effects of Pulsatile Left Ventricular Support on Mechanical Efficiency in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

Effects of Pulsatile Left Ventricular Support on Mechanical Efficiency in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy – September 2018 – TCT Publication Bastos MB, Daemen J, den Uil C, Schreuder J, Van…


Ventricular counterpulsation for percutaneous ventricular support -PulseCath

Ventricular counterpulsation for percutaneous ventricular support -PulseCath Joost Daemen, MD, Ph.D. FESC Department of Cardiology, Thoraxcenter, Erasmus Medical Center Sep 22nd, 2018-  TCT Congress, San Diago Download Presentation…


High-risk PCI under support of a pulsatile left ventricular assist device – first German experience with the iVAC 2L system

In 17 patients (3 female, age 73±9 years, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 45±12%) high-risk PCI (complex left main PCI n=8, PCI of last remaining vessel n=1, complex…


First successful prevention of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during high-risk percutaneous coronary intervention by use of a pulsatile left ventricular assist device: baptismof fire of the iVAC 2L device

A case report published in “European Heart Journal” by Alexander Samol*, Stefanie Schmidt, Melanie Zeyse, and Marcus Wiemer Department of Cardiology and Critical Care Medicine, Johannes Wesling University Hospital, Ruhr…


First high-risk percutaneous coronary intervention under use of the iVAC 2L system in Germany

A case report published in “Future Cardiology” 10. /fca-2016-0064 © 2017 Future Medicine Ltd. IVAC2l case study report Germany…


The PulseCath iVAC 2L left ventricular assist device: conversion to a percutaneous transfemoral approach

Abstract Aims: This technical report describes the essentials and practical implantation technique of the completely percutaneous PulseCath iVAC 2L left ventricular assist device. Methods and results Percutaneously inserted…

Case-in-a-box congress - video 7

Case-in-a-box congress - video 6

Case-in-a-box congress - video 5

Case-in-a-box congress - video 4

Case-in-a-box congress - video 3

Case-in-a-box congress - video 2

Case-in-a-box congress - video 1

Case-in-a-box number 2: Al Qassimi Hospital February 2023

Case-in-a-box number 1: Al Qassimi Hospital February 2023

iVAC 2L Procedure Steps

iVAC 2L Setup

iVAC 2L Trouble Shooting

iVAC 2L Clinical Effect

Complete webinar

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